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Pre-trial settlement of tax disputes

We represent your position to the tax authorities and strive to eliminate unfounded tax assessments

Settling a tax dispute without need to launch a court trial is often a less costly and more effective way to resolve potential disputes.

We know the most working tactics to persuasively communicate your position and its legitimacy to tax authorities before they issue the final tax audit decision.

Services of our legal and tax advisors on pre-trial tax dispute resolution include:

  • analysing the tax audit act to determine whether the alleged violations’ are grounded and valid

  • developing a preliminary legal position and evidence collection to support the client's objections to the tax authorities' claims. This includes evidence that refutes the authorities' allegations of intentional tax violations by clients and is aimed at minimizing the amount of penalties

  • preparing objections against the audit act or appeal to the superior authorities if the final decision has already been made

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